Making a lasting difference to your local community: leaving a legacy gift

Time to Talk Befriending exists because hundreds of older people living in our local community feel “invisible”, “forgotten” and “alone”.

We envisage a society where older people are respected, valued, and connected. Together we can overcome loneliness. Together we can provide opportunities for meaningful connections. And together, we can come alongside people in their final years so they “feel like I want to live again”, “have purpose”, and “a reason to get up in the morning”.

By leaving a gift in your Will, no matter how large or small, you will be helping to provide relationship centred support for older people who would otherwise be hidden behind the four walls of their homes.

The Gift of a Legacy: James’s Story

When I think back to our early days as a charity, one individual, James*, often springs to mind. When James was referred to us, he was very isolated and hadn’t spoken to anyone socially in months. His circumstances were made worse by a recent health diagnosis which had left him with speech difficulties.

Life improved greatly for James when he was referred to Time to Talk Befriending. Firstly, staff helped him arrange a package of care, something he hadn’t been able to sort out on his own. Then, James was matched with a wonderful volunteer called Mark. Mark was a keen walker, something that James had once enjoyed too. With Mark’s support and encouragement, they began a weekly walk around Preston Park. This proved to be transformational for James. Not only was he able to enjoy the wellbeing benefits of fresh air, green surroundings, and exercise, but regular companionship also led to a dramatic improvement in his speech and quality of life.

James was a scheme member for two years before moving into full-time care. James died four years later, at which point we were contacted about a small legacy that had been left to us, because of the support provided by the charity and by Mark his befriender.

Leaving a gift in your Will to Time to Talk Befriending could be one of the most impactful gifts you ever make. It is not only a financial one, it is also an embodiment of the values we hold dear – the importance of human connection, the warmth of companionship, and the joy of shared, meaningful moments.

*Name has been changed to protect confidentiality

We will be forever grateful to James for his legacy and for being part of our Time to Talk Befriending community.

Emily Kenward, CEO & Founder

Leaving a Legacy to Time to Talk Befriending

There are many worthy charities competing for funding. With such fierce competition, gifts like the one James made, and donations from the wonderful people who support us with one off or regular donations, are more important than ever to small, local charities such as Time to Talk Befriending.

Every contribution towards the charity makes a real difference in ensuring that our services remain free and accessible to those who need companionship and support in their later years. So, on behalf of our Trustees and staff – thank you to all our supporters past, present and future.

For practical information about how to leave a legacy gift to Time to Talk Befriending please email Alison Laurie our grants and trusts fundraiser for further information or call her on 07483 137749

Support us today

Your donations and support helps to change lives and overcome loneliness.

Could you support us financially? In doing so you will enable us to positively connect with older people who feel ‘invisible’, ‘forgotten’, and ‘alone’.

Regular monthly or one off donations make a significant difference to our Charity.

We need the generous support of our community, both big and small to improve the lives of society's most lonely, isolated and vulnerable older people.